All resources from the NHS Scotland Event 2024 are now available on the Event website. This includes filmed footage of the Plenary sessions, as well as presentations from all sessions.

This year’s Event took place on Monday 10 June at the SEC in Glasgow.

The theme for this year’s Event was Planning for the Future: Delivering Health and Care Services through Innovation and Collaboration and delegates had the opportunity to hear from a number of inspiring speakers from across the service, sharing their experiences, stories and learning after another challenging year.

Neil Gray MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care welcomed delegates to the Event in the opening Plenary session and described his key priorities in tackling those challenges.  The Cabinet Secretary also took part in an interview on the main stage giving delegates an insight into his plans and hopes for the future of the NHS in Scotland.

Delegates also heard from Caroline Lamb, Chief Executive of NHS Scotland and Director General Health and Social Care who acknowledged the ongoing pressure that staff are facing, and praised the workforce for their extraordinary efforts and steadfast commitment in delivering services and support for the people of Scotland.

This year’s Event saw the return of the Poster Exhibition.  For the first time since 2022, delegates were able to view around 200 posters representing the very best examples of quality improvement in each of the poster categories – person-centred, safe, effective, infrastructure, health of the population, value and sustainability, integrated care and Sustainable Care. The poster exhibition proved to be incredibly popular and was a real highlight of the day for many delegates.

All presentations from each of the plenary, mini plenary, parallel sessions and spotlight sessions are now available to view.

Please take the time to view these resources and share the learning with your colleagues.