Artificial Intelligence – The Digital Game-Changer
13:00 - 15:30
GRACE: Grampian’s Radiology Assist Chest-X-ray Evaluation
In a UK first, the GRACE Project sees NHS Grampian Radiologists and clinicians partner with to evaluate its state-of-the-art chest x-ray solution. By assessing its ability to risk stratify and the subsequent impact this has on lung cancer waiting times, its performance as a decision support tool as well as its value as an educational aid. Delegates will hear more about the evidence that this type of technology can address healthcare delivery challenges and improve health outcomes.
The innovative AI product was trained on over 520,000 chest x-ray studies, comprising of over 820,000 individual chest x-ray images and is capable of detecting 124 clinical findings. This session will share the project’s story so far, including initial evaluation findings and examples of how it is already providing positive results both for patients and staff.
GEMINI: Grampian's Evaluation of Mia an Innovative National Breast Screening Initiative, in Partnership with iCAIRD.
The Scottish Breast Screening Service invites up to 200,000 women between the ages of 50-70, once every three years, to attend for breast screening aiming to find early breast cancers. This highly trained workforce has come under increasing pressure with retirements, recruitment issues and service workloads. AI presents an opportunity to augment the workforce, working tirelessly round the clock analysing mammograms and supporting radiologists in detecting breast cancer. Significant research has been undertaken over the past three years by the Industrial Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research in Digital Diagnostics (iCAIRD) with the North East of Scotland Screening Service and Kheiron Medical Technologies. This research assessed the performance of Kheiron’s screening AI on a retrospective Grampian dataset with the outputs informing possible pathways towards safe prospective implementation of AI for breast screening in Scotland.
Please note that the Experience Day visits have limited capacity, so early booking is advised.
Travel arrangements: Transport to and from the venue will be provided on the day. Delegates are asked to meet at the front entrance to the P&J. Delegates will then be transported back to the P&J Live after the visit.
Meeting time/location: 13:00, outside the main entrance to the Hilton Hotel (which is next to the P&J Live)
Session duration: 13:30 – 15:00
Arrive back at P&J Live: Approx. 15:30
Venue: University of Aberdeen, Foresterhill Campus
Format: Two sessions followed by a panel discussion with audience questions.

Graham King
Solution Architect,

Simon Harris
Senior NHS Project Manager, NHSx AI Award, Kherion Medical

Professor Lesley Ann Anderson
Chair in Health Data Science & Co-Director of the Aberdeen Centre for Health Data Science, Institute of Applied Health Science School of Medicine, Medical Science and Nutrition, University of Aberdeen

Dr Struan Wilkie
Consultant Radiologist, NHSG Clinical lead for Radiology IT and Dr Gray’s Hospital Unit Clinical Director for Medicine and Unscheduled Care

Dr Gerald Lip

Dr Andrew Keen
Clinical Lead, NHS Grampian