Cathy Young
Head of Transformation, NHS Grampian

Cathy Young joined the NHS in 2008, following completion of a Masters in Physiotherapy, to a role in the Health Improvement Department of Public Health. There Cathy built a variety of skills, including project management and network management. This led Cathy to move to Modernisation Directorate, and become involved in a variety of service development and quality improvement projects in Primary and Secondary care. Cathy has worked with partnership organisations including: local authorities, Police Scotland and the Scottish Prison Service.
In 2015, she moved into operational management initially managing the Aberdeen Maternity Hospital and Women’s Services, in Grampian, before moving to manage a number of medical specialities.
Cathy’s current role started in 2020, and combines the quality improvement, operational, and strategic skills Cathy has developed to support the Acute Sector to transform and strengthen our interface with Primary care.