Dr Deans Buchanan
Consultant in Palliative Medicine, NHS Tayside

Deans trained in medicine at the University of Glasgow and also undertook a BSc (Hons) in pharmacology. He completed his medical doctorate from the University of Dundee in 2010 on the unmet supportive care needs of lung cancer patients.
Following his specialist training in Palliative Medicine in Tayside, he was appointed to a Consultant post there in 2011. He is currently Lead Clinician for NHS Tayside Palliative Care and played a key role in the recent establishment of the Tayside Palliative and End of Life Care network.
In addition to this, he is the co-director of the Master of Public Health (Palliative Care Research) programme at the University of Dundee and is an honorary clinical tutor for the University of Dundee. Deans joined the Council of the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care in 2014.