Dr Laura Doran
Consultant Clinical Psychologist, NHS Lanarkshire

Dr Laura Doran is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), in NHS Lanarkshire.
Dr Doran completed a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, at the University of Edinburgh in 2007. Dr Doran has worked in a range of CAMHS posts since qualifying, including: Early Intervention, CAMHS Learning Disability, the NHS Education for Scotland funded Training in Psychological Skills – Early Intervention Child project and more recently as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist in a locality CAMHS team.
Dr Doran provides teaching on the University of Glasgow Doctorate in Clinical Psychology course and has an active role with the MSc in Applied Psychology for Children and Young People, including representing Lanarkshire at stakeholder events, contributing to recruitment and providing line management for MSc trainees, based in Lanarkshire.
Throughout her career, she has had an interest in finding innovative ways of improving the accessibility of services for children and young people presenting with mild to moderate mental health difficulties.