Fiona Graham
CWIC Team Lead, Mental Health Occupational Therapist, East Lothian Health and Social Care

Fiona Graham graduated as an Occupational Therapist in 1988. Fiona’s experience in mental health spans over thirty years, across acute, forensic and rehabilitation settings. Fiona has stayed true to her clinical roots and remained throughout her career at the centre of clinical practice.
Fiona moved into Primary Care nearly two years ago and hasn’t looked back. Fiona has valued the opportunity to contribute to the development of new concepts, models, methods, and practices to deliver new and improved proactive mental health practice in primary care. Mental Health Occupational Therapy in Primary care is an innovative role and Fiona continues to be at the forefront of this development in East Lothian, and latterly has led the Collaborative Working for Immediate Care (CWIC) Mental Health Team of Mental Health Nurses and Occupational Therapists. Fiona is extremely proud of the team and their commitment to deliver person-centred care with skill, compassion, and kindness at the centre.