Jim Savege
Chief Executive Officer, Aberdeenshire Council

Jim has been the Chief Executive of Aberdeenshire Council since 2015. Partnership working is at the heart of his day-to-day work, reflected through his leading role in the Northern Alliance regional education collaborative, and membership of the Opportunity North East (ONE) Digital and Entrepreneurship Board. Complementing his responsibilities in Aberdeenshire, he is the Vice Chair of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives Scotland (SOLACE), a member of Scotland’s Electoral Management Board and the Scottish Resilience Partnership.
Prior to Aberdeenshire, Jim worked in local government in Staffordshire and Cumbria for over a decade, with responsibility for a wide range of services including highways, procurement, and libraries, along with significant civil contingencies and major events experience. He started his career training as a teacher in Liverpool, subsequently working in management consultancy and training across a range of sectors.