Karen Glass
Practice Development Physiotherapist, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Since qualifying in 1987, Karen Glass has enjoyed a dynamic career taking her from Glasgow to Malawi and Australia and back again. Karen developed specialist skills in the Musculoskeletal field, with a Post Graduate diploma and then an MSc by research into the management of low back pain.
Karen lectured in physiotherapy at Glasgow Caledonian University for six years before returning to the NHS and Practice Development in 2006. Throughout that time, Karen has been particularly interested in developments related to effective communication, patient reported outcomes and wellbeing of both patients and staff. Karen currently chairs the wellbeing steering group and organises an annual wellbeing event. Together with service managers, Karen is committed to developing a culture that promotes wellness and reduces the risk of burnout.
In addition, Karen is a trustee of Mindfulness Scotland, a local charity focused on the delivery of high quality Mindfulness teaching.