Manira Ahmad
Head of Local Intelligence, Public Health Scotland

Manira Ahmad has had a varied career history spanning both private and public sectors, focusing on systems, emotional architecture and the importance of lived experience. Manira has worked across the financial industry, involved in global workforce planning and investment in offshore trading. She joined the public sector in 2015, and was appointed to lead the deployment of Local Intelligence across Health and Social Care. Supporting Integration Authorities in Scotland in co-designing linked data across multiple care sectors to support improved decision making for health and wellbeing.
Manira has been part of the design and development of Public Health Scotland, to deliver an organisation equipped to meet Scotland's future public health challenges and developing a nation where everyone thrives.
Manira is learning and sharing with Health and Care colleagues, seeking opportunities to collaborate with different nations in order to bring innovative solutions using data and intelligence to support communities across Scotland.
She is very passionate in supporting the wellbeing of individuals, working closely with communities to build local resilience through story-telling by shifting our thinking and the conversation to “what really matters”.