Paul Graham
Head of Spiritual Care and Wellbeing, NHS Lanarkshire

Paul Graham, Head of Spiritual Care and Wellbeing, is the lead for Lanarkshire's Staff Care and Wellbeing Service which seeks to build resilience and enhance wellbeing to all staff within NHS Lanarkshire and North and South Lanarkshire Health & Social Care Partnerships. They deliver this through: provision of a 24 hour Helpline; values-based reflective practice; peer support; regular wellbeing focused classes and events like Schwartz rounds; promoting wellbeing information; 1:1 active listening; and a variety of training courses.
Staff Care & Wellbeing can provide support that is tailored to meet the needs of individuals and staff groups; a confidential and safe space to share and reflect on experiences, identify sources of strength, and build resilience.
Paul had a 25 year career in IT before moving into Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy, in 2009, joining NHS Lanarkshire in 2016.
He is the board Wellbeing Champion and represents NHS Scotland on the UK Board of Healthcare Chaplains.