Mini Plenary – People Make Change Happen
Employers in health and social care are committed to improving patient and public services through enhancing staff experience. The 2020 Vision for Health and Social Care makes a commitment to valuing and empowering everyone who works in NHS Scotland and supporting them to work to the best of their ability. Staff experience is critical for delivery of the Health and Social Care Delivery Plan, providing better care, better health and better value.
It is therefore essential that staff at all levels in NHS Scotland, including those working within Health & Social Care Partnerships are empowered and enabled to have their voices heard, are valued within their immediate team and wider organisation, and that their views, opinions and actions contribute to continuous improvement.
Today’s health and social care leaders face unprecedented challenges of sustainability, expectation, quality and workforce, at the same time as being asked to reform services. To meet these challenges, today’s leaders are being asked to deliver a different type of leadership. The goal of Project Lift is to establish a system-wide approach to identifying, supporting, enhancing and growing leadership talent at all levels in order to reform NHS Scotland and its services and improve the experience of our people.
The iMatter Continuous Improvement Model was developed by NHS Scotland staff and aims to engage staff in a way that feels right for people at every level. As a team-based tool, iMatter offers individual teams, managers and organisations the facility to measure, understand, improve and evidence staff experience.
This session will focus on service users experiential stories of iMatter and Project Lift. There will be a combined focus on the importance of collaborative working to support improved staff, patient and client experience.

Suzy Aspley
Head of Communications, NHS 24

Martin Fraser
Team Leader, Shotts Station, Scottish Ambulance Service

Pamela Stirrat
Children and Young People’s Occupational Therapist, Fife Health and Social Care Partnership

Catriona Vernal
Senior Project Officer for the Maternity and Children Quality Improvement Collaborative, part of the Scottish Patient Safety Programme, Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Dr Alison White
Emergency Medicine Consultant, NHS Tayside