NHS 24: Transforming Mental Health Through Partnership Working
NHS 24’s mental health redesign programme aims to improve access to mental health services through more-effective and timely assessment, working collaboratively with partners across health, social care and justice.
Key aims of the programme are to:
- Increase access to dedicated mental health professionals for people in crisis situations.
- Improve care pathways for patients living with mental illness, distress or poor mental wellbeing.
- Increase access to prevention, anticipation and supported self-management resources.
- Improve triage which better recognises the complex range of needs and streamlines access to the right level of support.
- Provide access to suitable services in remote and rural areas.
- Reduce time to access suitable services.
- Improve planning and communication between NHS 24 and key health and social care partners.
- Increase multi-disciplinary working/integrated service delivery across mental health and non-mental health services.
- Increase safe and effective self-care outcomes.
- Increase communication and engagement for the purpose of co-designing services.
- Increase opportunities for people with mental health.
This session will give delegates an overview of the breadth of work being progressed as part of this programme, and the important role that partnership working has on the discovery, design and delivery phases of this transformation programme.
Specifically the session will focus on:
- Development of a mental health hub within the NHS 24 ‘111’ service.
- Development of digital services and channels supporting both access to support and additional self-management tools and information.
- Specific collaboration with Police Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance Service in developing pathways.
Delegates will hear from both NHS 24 and Police Scotland on progress against each of these components. NHS 24 is also keen to hear ideas and input from delegates across the health and social care system on further integration and planning of mental health services.
The collaborative approach taken will be described, which involves working with the public, service users, the Scottish Government Mental Health Division, Police and Scottish Ambulance Service colleagues, the Scottish Government Health and Justice Collaborative Board and psychological therapies and mental health services across the health and social care system.

Chris Wright
Service Delivery Manager, NHS 24

Paula Sheils
Senior Nurse, Mental Health, NHS 24

Chief Inspector Emma Croft
Chief Inspector, Police Scotland