Keynote Session 3: Public Health in Scotland – Response and Recovery from COVID-19
Reflecting on the challenges presented by the last year of responding to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, this session will explore the successes and achievements in public health and will consider what needs to be retained to re-mobilise and embed a world class public health system.
Dr Gregor Smith, Chief Medical Officer, and Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Public Health, Women’s Health and Sport, will present their reflections of the pandemic and outline key priorities and ambitions for the future.

Professor Sir Gregor Smith
Chief Medical Officer for Scotland, Scottish Government
Gregor Smith is a GP and former Medical Director from Lanarkshire. He was appointed Deputy Chief Medical Officer in 2015, interim Chief Medical Officer in April 2020 and Chief Medical Officer in December 2020.

Maree Todd MSP
Minister for Public Health, Women’s Health and Sport, Scottish Government
Maree Todd grew up in the West Highlands, attending Ullapool High School and then studying pharmacy and prescribing at Robert Gordon's and Strathclyde.

Pennie Taylor
Chair, NHS Scotland Event 2021
Pennie Taylor is an award-winning freelance journalist and broadcaster who specialises in health and care issues.