Keynote Session 6: Redesign of Urgent Care – Right Care, Right Place
The Redesign of Urgent Care programme represents a significant change in the provision of safe and effective urgent care. It offers a number of significant benefits in modernising wider unscheduled care pathways to ensure people can access the right urgent care, in the right place, at the right time, on a 24/7 basis.
National Director of Unscheduled Care Helen Maitland will be joined by NHS Scotland Chief Operating Officer John Connaghan to set out the benefits of this new pathway – including the opportunities for success when fully embedded.
As patients are at the very heart of the Redesign of Urgent Care, delegates will hear first-hand accounts from patients who have benefited directly from this new pathway – along with testimonials from colleagues about how the change in service has impacted on them.
The session will also summarise the long term projections for the re-design of urgent and unscheduled care to ensure it continues to deliver better health, care and life outcomes for patients, staff and their families and the wider community.

Helen Maitland
Director of Unscheduled Care, Scottish Government

John Connaghan CBE
NHS Scotland Chief Operating Officer, NHS Scotland

Professor Sir Lewis Ritchie

Calum Campbell
Chief Executive NHS Lothian

Jim Miller
Chief Executive, NHS 24