Scotland's Long COVID Approach: A Whole-system Approach to Integrated, High Quality Support for Long-Term Condition Management
14:00 - 15:15
For people experiencing the uncertainty of long COVID, the key to good support is to enable informed choices about care and treatment options, based on what matters most.
Scotland’s Long COVID Service Paper sets out the key elements that underpin the approach to care and support. It also underlines the commitment to making sure NHS Scotland is resourced to respond innovatively to the needs of people with the condition.
This session will be delivered by colleagues from across health and social care, the third sector, National Services Division and Scottish Government - presenting the best available evidence and Scotland’s approach to this new and emerging condition.
Many of the solutions to current challenges lie outside of statutory services and so work is underway to develop whole-system solutions. This includes delivering a range of help and support across health and social care and the third sector, making sure that people receive a response that meets their needs.
Delegates attending the session will also hear from Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland who will be providing insights into how this is being delivered in practice through Primary Care services.

Dr Amy Small
Clinical Advisor, Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland

Jack Francis
Managing Director, Pogo Studio

Allan Cowie
Interim CEO, Chest Heart Stroke Scotland

Dr John Harden
Deputy National Clinical Director, Scottish Government

Susan Wallace
Head of Clinical Priorities Unit, Scottish Government

Karyn Robertson
Scottish Government

Tim Walsh
Professor of Critical Care and Honorary Consultant in Critical Care, University of Edinburgh / NHS Lothian