Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing – A Whole-System Approach
14:00 – 15:15
Children and young people have been particularly impacted by the (COVID-19) pandemic, both in terms of mental health and wellbeing and across other areas of their lives. The Mental Health Transition and Recovery Plan sets out how Scottish Government will support communities to recover from the pandemic and is supported by an investment of £120 million.
This session will focus on the Scottish Government’s whole-systems approach to supporting children and young people’s mental health.
In particular, the session will highlight the activities being undertaken to deliver on the approach in the Transition and Recovery Plan. These include:
- Supporting reform and delivery of high quality Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for Children and Young People and their families;
- The development of community mental health and wellbeing services;
- The establishment of perinatal and family mental health services;
- Developing solutions for young people experiencing crisis or distress;
- School based approaches to support mental health and wellbeing;
- Prevention and early intervention and the importance of reducing stigma; and
- Expanding capacity to deliver support digitally and online.

Elizabeth Archibald
Service Development Adviser Perinatal and Infant Mental Health, Scottish Government

Della Robb
Team Leader – CAMHS Improvement and Eating Disorders, Scottish Government

Ruth Christie
Co- Head – Children, Young People, Families and Relationships – Mental Health, Scottish Government

Stephen McLeod
Professional Advisor – Mental Health, Scottish Government