Spotlight Session 3
11:45 – 13:00
Bridging the Gap Between Hospital and Home through Innovation in Volunteering
The Volunteering in NHS Scotland Programme is part of the Community Engagement Directorate at Healthcare Improvement Scotland. The Programme provides leadership, infrastructure and support for volunteering across NHS Scotland.
As winter pressures began to build in 2021, the volunteering programme turned its attention to exploring how volunteering could be harnessed to provide some relief to staff and patients. The area in which volunteering had the potential to make the biggest impact was in patient discharge. A volunteer role was developed which aimed to create a bridge between hospital and home in those early days following discharge from hospital, in a time period which sees many readmissions to hospital.
In this presentation, delegates will hear more about how the testing of this role is taking place in NHS Tayside by the volunteering team in collaboration with the discharge team.

Janice Malone
Volunteering in NHSScotland Programme Manager, Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Val Ewan
Voluntary Services Manager for Inpatient Acute, NHS Tayside
Addressing Health Inequalities: An Inclusive and Integrated Approach
Reasons for non-participation in screening programmes are complex and include a lack of understanding, trust, conflicting life priorities and accessibility of services. Now more than ever there is a need to engage with people about the benefits of screening and early diagnosis of cancer.
NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) is committed to reducing screening inequalities which have been exacerbated by the (COVID-19) pandemic. In partnership with North Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), West Lothian HSCP, Health and Social Care Scotland (HSCS), and Public Health Scotland (PHS) they have created a project designed to reduce barriers to participation. The project makes better use of screening data, advanced analytics and meaningful collaboration between all parties
Delegates attending this presentation will also hear about how infection prevention and control and social distancing measures introduced during the pandemic have also created additional barriers to participation.

Katharine Ross
Health and Social Care Integration Advisor, NHS National Services Scotland (NSS)

David Proud
Associate Director for NSS Digital & Security & Digital and Change Lead for National Screening Oversight, NHS National Services Scotland (NSS)

Yvonne Lawton
Head of Strategic Planning and Performance, NHS Tayside

Andrea Dahlen
Senior User Researcher, NHS National Services Scotland (NSS)

Sarah Adams
Project Manager, NHS National Services Scotland (NSS)
Rapid Access to Drug and Alcohol Recovery during the (COVID-19) pandemic
UK Drug-Related Deaths are at their highest number; 1,339 drug-related deaths were recorded in Scotland in 2020 (National Records of Scotland, 2021). The (COVID-19) pandemic made it more challenging to respond to the needs of people requiring support.
RADAR (Rapid Access to Drug and Alcohol Recovery) is an early warning and action system that targets timely and effective action to prevent the avoidable loss of life from drugs. This service is a unique partnership approach with all statutory services in East Ayrshire and provides rapid access to support and treatment for anyone affected by drugs or alcohol in the area.
This service provides appointments face-to-face, telephone and drop in opportunities for anyone wishing support. Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)Standards (Scottish Government 2021) indicate priorities for people accessing drug/alcohol services as having access from the same day of presentation.
Being able to provide this access ultimately improves population health and enhances the quality and experience that people have when accessing services.
Delegates attending this presentation will gain insight into this new service and will look at how this has enhanced working relationships with colleagues and improved the quality of support someone receives as a result of this.

Kimberley Mills
RADAR Co-Ordinator, NHS Ayrshire and Arran

Rebekah Lennon
Community Psychiatric Nurse, NHS Addiction Services