The Event is taking place at the Technology & Innovation Centre (TIC), University of Strathclyde in Glasgow on Monday 9 June 2025. The state-of-the art conference facility enables delegates to network and engage with exhibitors within its compact and contemporary layout – this year the Event is Hybrid – making elements of the programme available through live streaming to delegates not able to attend in person.
NHS Renewal; Protecting and Strengthening Scotland’s Health and Care Services
The NHS in Scotland continues to face tremendous pressures due to unprecedented and complex challenges. Still, our health and care staff show unwavering commitment and resilience – demonstrating that the foundations on which we can build NHS recovery and renewal are strong.
In January 2025 the First Minister outlined steps to reform and renew our health service and deliver the change that people in Scotland need now.
This year’s NHS Scotland Event programme will be built on the key areas identified to sustain and renew the NHS in Scotland, which are:
Improving access to treatment - reducing immediate pressures by driving down waiting times and clearing backlogs;
Shifting the balance of care into the community and homes - delivering the right care in the right place while protecting access in hospitals;
Delivering a stronger digital first approach to all our health and social care services - improving access to services through innovation and technology;
A long-term focus on prevention - tackling the root causes of long-term ill-health and disease and helping people to live longer, healthier lives.
As health and care staff and leaders, we have been asked to focus on protecting, strengthening, and renewing our NHS, as the most cherished of public services, in line with the FM’s approach to renewal. This is a goal everyone working for, or in partnership with the NHS can get behind – safeguarding a stronger, more sustainable NHS for those who depend on it for lifesaving, life enhancing care.
It is staff and delivery partners (at all levels), patients and their families who will shape the right approach to modernising and improving health and social care services. NHS renewal and recovery will be delivered by them, but it must also work for them.
The NHS Scotland Event 2025 offers the opportunity for consensus building and collaboration on the changes needed to the health care sector to support people to live longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives over the short, medium and long term.
It showcases best practices and innovative approaches to delivering quality care, bringing together front-line staff and system leaders to consider challenges and focus on solutions that deliver on the HSC vision. It balances educational and networking opportunities to provide a motivational experience for delegates, who can take away supportive tools and practices to apply and evolve day-to-day. It is a unique opportunity for colleagues to share experiences, explore new ways of working, celebrate success and work together.
With a focus on access to care, innovation, prevention, productivity, people and place the Event offers delegates the opportunity to discover more about the vision and priorities for Scotland’s NHS.
Supporting people to live longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives while facing demand and on-going pressures takes leadership, resilience, and collaboration across multiple fronts, often while balancing competing demands.
Our programme themes are:
Improving access to treatment (reducing the time people wait for treatment)
Bringing care closer to people (so that they get the right care in the right place at the right time)
Improving access to health and social care (through innovation, community first, digital first, and people first approaches)
Shaping prevention-focused health and care systems (that enables people to stay healthier for longer)
Equipping and empowering people (to self-manage their conditions)

Why attend the Event?
The NHS Scotland Event is an exceptional showcase for some of the most exciting quality improvement techniques and approaches in modern healthcare.
Who can attend the Event?
We encourage everyone that would find the Event of value to attend. Delegates can choose to attend either in-person or remotely via our virtual platform.

Planning your visit
The NHS Scotland Event will be held at the Technology & Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde. The venue is located in the centre of Glasgow, and is a prime position for rail and bus links across the country.