Introducing NHS Scotland’s Accelerating National Innovation Adoption (ANIA) Pathway through an Innovation Deep-Dive with the ScotCap Programme
11:45 – 13:00
The (COVID-19) pandemic had a detrimental impact on the delivery of NHS services. Whilst there has been significant challenges, the pandemic has highlighted the importance of collaboration and innovation to support recovery, improve the health of the Scottish population and to reduce inequity.
The Centre for Sustainable Delivery (CfSD) is leading the development of a new approach to accelerate the national adoption of high impact innovations across Scotland. The new Accelerated National Innovation Adoption (ANIA) Pathway is a significant development, bringing key innovation partners together to take a whole-system approach that turns high-impact innovations into wide-scale patient benefit.
The ANIA Collaborative will deliver:
- Clinical leadership;
- The right evidence base;
- Technical expertise (legal, digital, procurement);
- System readiness;
- Training, skills and capabilities; and
- Effective change management
This session will share the key building blocks of the ANIA Pathway using the Scottish Capsule Programme (ScotCap) as an example of successful innovation adoption, which has rolled out an innovative Colon Capsule Endoscopy (CCE) service across NHSScotland.

Jess Henderson
National Associate Director – Strategy and Innovation, Centre for Sustainable Delivery

Anna Betzlbacher
National Improvement Advisor, Centre for Sustainable Delivery

Professor Jann Gardner
Chief Executive, NHS Golden Jubilee

John Thomson
Associate Clinical Director, Centre for Sustainable Delivery

Michelle Brogan
Service Development Manager, Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre

Linda Pollock
Interim Director, Healthcare Quality and Improvement Directorate, Scottish Government

Tom Steele
Chair, Scottish Ambulance Service

David Lowe
Clinical Director for Health Innovation, Scottish Health and Industry Partnership (SHIP)

Ed Clifton
Unit Head – Scottish Health Technologies Group (SHTG), Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Kelly Quinn
Innovation Service Manager, NSS

Scott Heald
Director of Data and Digital Innovation, Public Health Scotland