Designing your Poster

We’re delighted to be using the Learning Toolbox again for this year’s Event.  This will allow poster authors to add supporting material to supplement their poster.

Successful poster authors will be required to:

  • Create and arrange printing of a traditional A0 poster (printing only required if selected for display at the Event);
  • Upload a copy of your final poster to the Online Poster Showcase, and;
  • Add additional resources (optional) to the Online Poster Showcase to support their poster e.g. images, videos, audio, documents, apps and links to social media and online resources.

Minimum requirement: Each poster author must create a poster based on the original abstract submission.  Poster authors that are selected for display at the Event must also print an A0 version of the poster for display at the NHS Scotland Event.


Supporting content: There is also an option to include many different resources including images, videos, audio, documents, apps and links to social media and online resources.


Please note that a comprehensive set of guidelines on how to use the Learning Toolbox will be emailed to all poster authors at the start of the poster design stage.