Mini Plenary – Waiting Times: Performance, Improvement and Sustainability
The Waiting Times Improvement Plan, published in October 2018, is a whole system plan that brings together services from across health and social care.
It aims to increase capacity where it is needed, reduce the number of people experiencing long waits, reshape delivery to ensure sustainable performance against targets in the future, and achieve the necessary shift in balance of care to support this.
A key part of this strategy is the continued development of elective centres, including increasing capacity at the Golden Jubilee National Hospital to support NHS Boards across Scotland to improve waiting times.
The first part of this session will see a presentation by Juliette Murray introducing the challenges faced by NHS Scotland and the solutions, which highlights how changing current processes can improve capacity in a number of areas including workforce. This specific piece of work is being developed and progressed as part of the Scottish Access Collaborative, which is also delivering and supporting a number of other pieces of work that will ensure longer term sustainability.
The session will then move on to a presentation by the Golden Jubilee team giving examples of improvement being undertaken at the national hospital through improving patient flow which underpins the work on performance and waiting times.
They will finish with a panel session where delegates will then have the opportunity to ask questions and seek further information/clarification on the priorities linked to improving waiting times nationally.

John Connaghan, CBE
Chief Officer NHS Scotland, Director of Delivery and Resilience, Scottish Government

Juliette Murray
SAC: Programme Clinical Lead, Scottish Access Collaborative

Christine Divers
Operations Manager Surgical Division, Golden Jubilee National Hospital

Lisa Bird
Deputy Director, Equalities, Human Rights and Third Sector, Scottish Government: Directorate for Local Government and Communities

Julie King
Clinical Services Transformation Manager, Scottish Ambulance Service