Moving Forward Together: Building Future Health and Care Services
11:15 - 12:30
The Moving Forward Together (MFT) blueprint is a vision for transformational change in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde – and is underpinned by several key drivers:
A population empowered and supported to manage their own health and wellbeing;
Health and care which maximises the opportunities offered by technology and innovation;
Cross system delivery of health and care by a supported workforce working to the top of their licence; and
A tiered model of care with the development of more services within homes and communities, flexible teams based around the needs of the patients, and specialist secondary and tertiary services for those who require them
The session will focus on the following areas:
Planning for transformation: This session will describe the Moving Forward Together journey, the engagement process and the key themes underpinning the transformation programme.
Using innovation and digital technology to enhance care: While a number of digital-first innovations were implemented pre-pandemic, COVID-19 acted as a significant catalyst which has seen digital become embedded into normal healthcare delivery at unprecedented speeds. This session will showcase some of the exciting new initiatives being developed through the West of Scotland Innovation Hub.
New clinical models of care: The clinical vision for future care builds on innovation, transformation and learning from the pandemic. This session will describe these new models of care and the journey required to move from the current position to this new way of working.
Developing the estate: To deliver the MFT vision, an estates infrastructure is required which is flexible, adaptable and compliant, and in the right place and aligned to service need. The plan will prioritise sustainability and will support achievement of net zero by 2040.
Jane Grant
Chief Executive, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Fiona MacKay
Director of Planning, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Denise Brown
Interim Director of eHealth, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Dr. Jennifer L Armstrong
Medical Director, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Professor Tom Steele
Director of Estates and Facilities, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde