Working Innovatively and Collaboratively to Create Health and Social Care Communities
13.30 - 14.45
Delegates attending this session will hear more about the work being showcased in Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership and Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership where collaborative and innovative approaches have had a positive impact on communities by;
Creating a range of sustainable social type prescribing e.g. leisure and outdoor activities and opportunities for social connection
Working directly with communities to address some of the wider determinants of ill health such social isolation and inactivity, through the creation of a focal point for communities to come together.
Supporting greater integration of services and connections with thirds and independent services.
Improved signposting and early interventions to support self -management approaches and help address health inequalities.
Reduce pressures on primary and secondary care.
This session will look at how to create collaborative partnerships which enable people to access support and activities to improve their physical and mental health, as well as exploring some of the practical mechanisms when using a community development approach.
Village Green project at Stirling Health & Care Village
An innovative development to improve the health and wellbeing of patients, visitors, staff and local communities, through a programme of activities, support and social prescribing on site.
Using the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ framework, a range of initiatives and events have been organised to engage local people and staff as well as provide volunteering, work experience and employability courses.
Aberdeen City Vaccination & Wellbeing Hub
An innovative development to work collaboratively across health, social care and voluntary organisations to respond to local need focusing on prevention and early intervention.
Initially set up to deliver vaccination programmes and then expanded to become a health & wellbeing Hub creating a “one stop shop” incorporating Community Treatment & Care services (CTAC), Community Respiratory Team, Health Visitors & other clinical/ non clinical services & support. It also hosts promotional stalls, a community health point, community café and workshop space.
The hub operates on a model of Making Every Opportunity Count – where every opportunity is taken to engage people in discussion around their health and social care needs and then to signpost to services and community supports.

Elaine Cochrane
Senior Health Improvement Officer, Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership

Krissy Stevenson
Senior Project Officer, The Conservation Volunteers

Caroline Anderson
Programme Manager – Vaccinations & Wellbeing Hub, Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership

Stephen Main
Lead Nurse – Immunisations & Community Treatment and Care (CTAC), Aberdeen Health and Social Care Partnership