Plenary 1: Delivering Health and Social Care Integration in Scotland
The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport has highlighted integration as one of her priorities for health and social care. Both the review undertaken by the Ministerial Strategic Group for Health and Community Care, and the earlier Audit Scotland report Health and Social Care Integration: Update on Progress (November 2018), highlighted the key role of strong and effective leadership from all partner organisations in delivering improvements
Malcolm Wright, Director-General Health and Social Care and Chief Executive, NHS Scotland and Sally Loudon, Chief Executive of COSLA, will lead the session from the perspective of their shared responsibility for increasing the pace and effectiveness of integration. Implementing the findings of the review, and ensuring integration is successful in improving the quality and sustainability of care experienced by people, will be considered through the lens of local experience in Aberdeenshire. The audience will hear from senior leaders in the Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership: the Chief Executives of the NHS Grampian and Aberdeenshire Council, and the Chief Officer of the Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership.

Malcolm Wright
Director-General Health and Social Care and Chief Executive, NHS Scotland

Sally Loudon
Chief Executive, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)

Adam Coldwells
Chief Officer, Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership

Jim Savege
Chief Executive Officer, Aberdeenshire Council

Amanda Croft
Chief Executive, NHS Grampian